“Going Ike,” a series of short films featuring the fishing escapades of Bassmaster Elite Series pro Mike Iaconelli and his fellow anglers, debuts Friday, Jan. 15, at 3 p.m. ET at MikeIaconelli.com and YouTube.com/Going_Ike.
“Going Ike captures the real story of a day’s fishing adventure,” said Iaconelli. “The travel to the location, the excitement of the first cast, the first catch, and the disappointment and heartbreak of a lost fish. If you were a fan of my old TV show City Limits, then you’re going to love this new film series.”
Each 5- to 10-minute video features fishing venues from urban Central Park to secret hidden spots in the country, and everything in between.
Going Ike was filmed and produced by C1 Films with Frankie Marion, 496 Films with Hunter Shryock and Illustrado Films with Vince “Stizo” Wasseluk and Ray “Stay Nice” Quijano.
New episodes will air every two weeks.