Swindle hooks … a catfish

It appeared Gerald Swindle had hooked the big bass of the day, after he cast a crankbait along the riprap bank below the Highway 36 bridge. He took a long...

Swindle draws attention

When Gerald Swindle pulled up to this culvert on Lake Shore Drive and started catching fish, he attracted a few nonboating observers.

Evers gets his hands wet

We just saw a classic Evers move. He set the hook in a laydown and apparently the fish wrapped him up. He quickly shed his jacket and shirt and hit...

Swindle heats up

Gerald Swindle doesn't know, but  he has to feel that Edwin Evers is ahead of him in their matchup on Lake Decatur. Comedian Steven Wright said it best: "The sooner...

Evers catching in howling wind

I can only imagine what it must be like on the main lake. The wind is howling. We are mostly protected. But even then it's hard to keep our flatbottom...

Two in the boat, but no limit

Although Evers has two in the boat, he should have had a limit by now. In the last few minutes he's missed a couple more. He's not totally flustered at...

Swindle speaks

Gerald Swindle has been unusually quiet this morning, while trying to coax a keeper-size bass from Lake Decatur. Swindle is well-known for being the bass angling equivalent of those old...

Swindle reels in a rag, still struggling

Gerald Swindle just landed the first thing that would have met the 14-inch minimum length limit on Lake Decatur, but it was an inanimate object – a long black piece...

Evers in a flurry, boats second fish

Evers has boated his second keeper, this one straight across the creek from where he lost the big one. He had another bite before that and missed, but this is...

Evers misses 3-pounder

Evers just missed one that made his knees crumble. He set the hook and pulled the fish to the top of the water. From our vantage point, it appeared to...

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