Rojas on the water

Dean Rojas started the second round of the Classic Bracket with a 4-pound deficit behind Jordan Lee.
Dean Rojas started the second round of the Classic Bracket with a 4-pound deficit behind Jordan Lee.
Rojas would start near where he fished half his afternoon the day before.
Rojas would start near where he fished half his afternoon the day before.
And he started catching fish early.
And he started catching fish early.
This fish bit in the first 10 minutes.
This fish bit in the first 10 minutes.
The only problem was it was small.
The only problem was it was small.
But it was still a keeper.
But it was still a keeper.
The keeper weighed in at 14 ounces.
The keeper weighed in at 14 ounces.
It wasn’t long after before Rojas hooked up again.
It wasn’t long after before Rojas hooked up again.
This one would weigh over 1 pound.
This one would weigh over 1 pound.
Despite the small size, every ounce would prove critical by the end of the day.
Despite the small size, every ounce would prove critical by the end of the day.
Rojas basically set up a milk run that took him past three main river areas.
Rojas basically set up a milk run that took him past three main river areas.
He would occasionally get bit.
He would occasionally get bit.
And then lose the fish or break off.
And then lose the fish or break off.
But mixed in with that, he would catch one that would count.
But mixed in with that, he would catch one that would count.
With every bass critical, Rojas would baby each catch.
With every bass critical, Rojas would baby each catch.
This one would come aboard and put him a couple pounds behind Lee.
This one would come aboard and put him a couple pounds behind Lee.
Lee would be adding to his overall weight as well building a 5-pound lead.
Lee would be adding to his overall weight as well building a 5-pound lead.
While Rojas would continue to hook up.
While Rojas would continue to hook up.
He couldn’t get past the 12-inch minimum length limit.
He couldn’t get past the 12-inch minimum length limit.
During the day he would catch several like this that would have to be measured then thrown back.
During the day he would catch several like this that would have to be measured then thrown back.
Some of them were too short to even think about measuring.
Some of them were too short to even think about measuring.
But everyone of them provided a moment of excitement.
But everyone of them provided a moment of excitement.
Until the fish revealed itself as “no help.”
Until the fish revealed itself as “no help.”
There were moments were it seemed Rojas would be a little exasperated.
There were moments were it seemed Rojas would be a little exasperated.
Some of that brought on by needing to re-tie multiple times.
Some of that brought on by needing to re-tie multiple times.
Then with 15 minutes left in the contest and exactly 5-pounds behind Lee, Rojas hooks up as Trip Weldon scrambles to clear out of the way.
Then with 15 minutes left in the contest and exactly 5-pounds behind Lee, Rojas hooks up as Trip Weldon scrambles to clear out of the way.
The fish would take Rojas to the driver’s seat.
The fish would take Rojas to the driver’s seat.
And for the first time in two days, Rojas would actually hand grab a keeper.
And for the first time in two days, Rojas would actually hand grab a keeper.
As he worked the fish in with his hands, we wondered just how big it was.
As he worked the fish in with his hands, we wondered just how big it was.
It was obviously better than average as he pulled it to the side of the boat.
It was obviously better than average as he pulled it to the side of the boat.
And as he pulled it over, it was obvious it was big…
And as he pulled it over, it was obvious it was big…
just not big enough on it’s own to catch up to Jordan Lee.
just not big enough on it’s own to catch up to Jordan Lee.
Minutes ticked by as Weldon weighed the fish at 3 pounds, 6 ounces a total that put Rojas less than 2 pounds from the lead.
Minutes ticked by as Weldon weighed the fish at 3 pounds, 6 ounces a total that put Rojas less than 2 pounds from the lead.
With about 7 minutes left, Rojas hooked up with the last fish of the day.
With about 7 minutes left, Rojas hooked up with the last fish of the day.
The pull and fight of the fish had Rojas in an intense battle.
The pull and fight of the fish had Rojas in an intense battle.
Grinding his teeth, he played the fish in the strong current.
Grinding his teeth, he played the fish in the strong current.
It was an obvious battle that was testing the angler.
It was an obvious battle that was testing the angler.
The fish would run close to a rocky point.
The fish would run close to a rocky point.
And finally get to the side of the boat.
And finally get to the side of the boat.
He would quickly get the fish in, realizing he had just won the round with less than 4 minutes left.
He would quickly get the fish in, realizing he had just won the round with less than 4 minutes left.
Rojas would revel in the moment before weighing the fish.
Rojas would revel in the moment before weighing the fish.
Then release it with,
Then release it with, “Bye, bye, Sugar!” and celebrate some more.