College anglers show off their duck faces

If you’re going to pose for the perfect Kardashian-style selfie, the best place to do it is, of course, the 2016 Carhartt Bassmaster College National Championship. Or at least that’s what we told all the competitors. In a mad dash to find the best duck face in the whole crowd of qualifiers, we convinced several of them to show off their cheekbones. Who wore it best? Tell us in the comments. The Daytona State brothers, Thomas and James Oltorik, were the first volunteers.
If you’re going to pose for the perfect Kardashian-style selfie, the best place to do it is, of course, the 2016 Carhartt Bassmaster College National Championship. Or at least that’s what we told all the competitors. In a mad dash to find the best duck face in the whole crowd of qualifiers, we convinced several of them to show off their cheekbones. Who wore it best? Tell us in the comments. The Daytona State brothers, Thomas and James Oltorik, were the first volunteers.
Turner Carlisle of Columbus State had been waiting for the moment someone with a camera said, “Show me your best duck face.” He was ready.
Turner Carlisle of Columbus State had been waiting for the moment someone with a camera said, “Show me your best duck face.” He was ready.
Austyn Fowler of Tarleton and Austin Watkins of Louisiana Tech make beautiful duck faces together. Fowler really works the pout with his lips, while Watkins focuses more on the eyebrow uplift.
Austyn Fowler of Tarleton and Austin Watkins of Louisiana Tech make beautiful duck faces together. Fowler really works the pout with his lips, while Watkins focuses more on the eyebrow uplift.
Lance Freeman of Murray State basically wears a duck face in all interactions with people. He makes it look effortless.
Lance Freeman of Murray State basically wears a duck face in all interactions with people. He makes it look effortless.
Hunter Louden of Bethel says he doesn’t know what a duck face is. “Isn’t that something sorority girls do?” he asked his teammates. Yes, Hunter. Yes, it is.
Hunter Louden of Bethel says he doesn’t know what a duck face is. “Isn’t that something sorority girls do?” he asked his teammates. Yes, Hunter. Yes, it is.
Chris Blanchette of USC is so good at the duck face, he can do it with his eyes closed.
Chris Blanchette of USC is so good at the duck face, he can do it with his eyes closed.
Tom Brewbaker, also of USC, combines a duck face with a mean mug.
Tom Brewbaker, also of USC, combines a duck face with a mean mug.
Auburn angler Travis Culbreth’s duck face looks like it hurts.
Auburn angler Travis Culbreth’s duck face looks like it hurts.
Matt Leblanc of Nicholls State OWNS it. Look at those cheekbones.
Matt Leblanc of Nicholls State OWNS it. Look at those cheekbones.
Colby Ogden of Lamar University could have co-starred in Zoolander with that blue steel look.
Colby Ogden of Lamar University could have co-starred in Zoolander with that blue steel look.
JP Kimbrough of LSU had to be badgered into showing off his look, and you can tell that he’s been working on it for a while.
JP Kimbrough of LSU had to be badgered into showing off his look, and you can tell that he’s been working on it for a while.
Reid Hammil is a proud Florida Gator and an even prouder poser. So confident, so poised.
Reid Hammil is a proud Florida Gator and an even prouder poser. So confident, so poised.
Dylan Brown of University of South Alabama will take the perfect selfie for Instagram one day.
Dylan Brown of University of South Alabama will take the perfect selfie for Instagram one day.
The parting of the lips is a feature of the duck face that most anglers missed. Not Rudy Directo, though. The Humboldt State angler knows what’s up.
The parting of the lips is a feature of the duck face that most anglers missed. Not Rudy Directo, though. The Humboldt State angler knows what’s up.
Half smirk, half duck is Lee “Hammerstick” Mattox’s signature look. His Alabama teammates cheered for him as he unleashed his inner poser.
Half smirk, half duck is Lee “Hammerstick” Mattox’s signature look. His Alabama teammates cheered for him as he unleashed his inner poser.
ECU angler Jordan Wise’s duck face is more like a “whatever” face, but he wears it well.
ECU angler Jordan Wise’s duck face is more like a “whatever” face, but he wears it well.
Dylan Allison of USC is always prepared to pooch out his pucker face.
Dylan Allison of USC is always prepared to pooch out his pucker face.
Brandon Simoneaux of Lamar is a little bit duck, a little bit Eminem.
Brandon Simoneaux of Lamar is a little bit duck, a little bit Eminem.
Last but not least, Tyler Stewart of Louisiana Monroe makes the duck face a whole-body movement. Head thrown back, lips out, peace sign forward.

Got a favorite? Tell us who!
Last but not least, Tyler Stewart of Louisiana Monroe makes the duck face a whole-body movement. Head thrown back, lips out, peace sign forward.

Got a favorite? Tell us who!