Lt. Governor Billy Nungesser greets Opens anglers ahead of takeoff at Toledo Bend

Lt. Governor Billy Nungesser of Louisiana.

Lt. Governor Billy Nungesser has seen firsthand how the people of Louisiana accept visitors. 

“We treat strangers like family. Everyone is welcome in Louisiana,” Nungesser said. “It is the only place in the world where you invite strangers to your backyard to eat crawfish.” 

Nungesser embodied that spirit Thursday morning when he greeted the entire 223 boat field competing at the St. Croix Bassmaster Open at Toledo Bend with a short message just before takeoff on the dock of Cypress Bend Park. 

“It was important to me to come here and thank these people for coming to Louisiana and letting them know how important it is for us to have anglers from all over the country here fishing,” he said. “As I walked up the dock, I got goosebumps seeing all these boats out here from all over visiting the great state of Louisiana.” 

Hosting these types of tournaments are important for the host communities like the Sabine Parish Tourist & Recreation Commission Nungesser said, not only because of the revenue generated by these anglers, but also to give out-of-towners a taste of what the state has to offer.

“It is huge for the community. We are a sportsman’s paradise. I like to tell people you can fish anywhere, but you catch fish in Louisiana,” he said. “This lake is the only lake named as the best bass fishery in the country two years in a row. It goes to show you the rich culture and heritage of fishing in Louisiana and we take pride in preserving that. This lake has done a great job. Our sportsmen take pride in being great conservationists to preserve this for generations to come. That’s why I think we get to host so many great tournaments. Not to mention the food.

“We love welcoming people. Whatever it is, Louisiana welcomes people with open arms and that warm and fuzzy feeling people get from Louisianans is why people keep coming back.”

Nungesser is an angler himself. While he enjoys bass fishing, Nungesser enjoys fishing for saltwater species like redfish, flounder and trout. 

“As Lt. Governor, I don’t get to fish as much anymore,” he said. “For charity, I give away a fishing trip with the Lt. Governor and I actually went fishing last week for redfish and flounder. I fish for bass too, but I’m just not patient. With redfish and trout, if you don’t catch them in 3 minutes, you move to a spot where they are. But I have fished this lake before and brought my family here for vacation.

“A bad day of fishing in Louisiana is probably a good day anywhere else. It is something we are proud of that they keep this lake very healthy and that it has a lot of fish.”