West Virginia adds 60 spider blocks

Nine members of the B.A.S.S. Federation Nation of West Virginia constructed 60 spider blocks and installed them in Burnsville Lake.

Volunteers from the B.A.S.S. Federation Nation of West Virginia constructed 60 spider blocks and installed them in Burnsville Lake. The project took nine volunteers a total of 120 hours to complete.

This project followed one in which the chapter placed 50 spider blocks in Summersville Lake.

“This was the second phase for the Burnsville Conservation Project,” explained Jerod Harman, conservation director for the B.A.S.S. Federation Nation of West Virginia. “We doubled the size of the original 50-structure site and installed another smaller plot of 10 spider blocks at a separate location.”

Clubs involved were Mon Valley Bassmasters, Buckhannon Bassmasters, WV Bassmasters, Full Moon Bassmasters and I-79 Bassmasters.


This article is part of the Habitat Improvement segment of the larger report, 2011 Annual Achievements in B.A.S.S. Conservation.