If Aaron Martens wasn’t fishing professionally, he’d choose some other exciting profession, he said today during the B.A.S.S. Twitter chat. In fact, he’d like to be president of the United States!
This question was one of 85 shot at him during a rapid-fire Twitter chat. The 2012 Evan Williams Bourbon All-Star Championship winner gave up all kinds of information about himself — including a couple of honey holes that he’d said he would rather have kept to himself!
Below is the full transcript of the chat, lightly edited for grammar and spelling. You can view a photo gallery of his visit to B.A.S.S. headquarters here.
Keep up with Twitter chats, tournament news and bass fishing advice by following B.A.S.S. on Twitter at @BASS_Nation.
You can also check out transcripts of previous Twitter chats we’ve had with Boyd Duckett, Jonathon VanDam, Todd Faircloth, Brent Chapman, Randy Howell, Ish Monroe, Brandon Palaniuk, Jeremy Starks and Alton Jones.
@BASS_Nation Welcome to the B.A.S.S. Twitter chat with @AMartFishing We’re very excited to have the All-Star champ here to take your questions. #basschat
@AMartFishing Hi everyone! I’m excited to be here, and I’m ready to answer all of your questions.
@Amartfishing What would you be using/doing at Pickwick next week? First visit. What to expect? Any suggestions?
@SamSeese The lake is in the process of turning over. Bring your topwaters, walking baits, buzzbaits, square-bill crankbaits.
Dog or cat?
@vtbasser Both. I have a cat, but I like both. Pound for pound, cats are more gnarly than dogs.
half full of half empty?
@vtbasser Half full. My wife says sometimes!
Which comes first, confidence or fish? Is confidence overrated?
@vtbasser In general, fish probably come first. You build your confidence after every fish you catch.
Care to give an arbitrary percentage of how much your practices r influence by OTW learning vs. prior knowledge and research?
@vtbasser It’s almost 100% on the water.
Favorite color?
@vtbasser I like purple.
Hawg or lunker?
@vtbasser I say donkey.
shoe size?
@vtbasser shoe size – 14
Will you help me finance a Bass Pro Shops on Champlain so we can bring the Opens there?
@vtbasser There’s probably cheaper ways to get an Open on Champlain.
@AMartFishing What is your favorite fall technique or lure?
@MattWheeler97 Probably a topwater walking bait.
@AMartFishing all-time favorite lake/river?
@Saints859 oooo, Lake Falcon in Texas.
TheFishingRadar.com @thefishingradar
Hey Aaron! Congrats man! What would be your top 3 fishing tips for amateur bass’ers in the fall?
@thefishingradar Find the bait, find the fish and move a lot. Be sure to cover a lot of water.
@AMartFishing What is most frequent bycatch? Freshwater drum? Catfish?
@andywhitcomb It’s about 50-50 on drum and catch. I catch quite a few of both of them. Respect the native species.
Hey @AMartFishing! What was the first thing u did after winning the All-Star tourney?
@BhamJen I went and had sushi with some of the @Bass_nation staff and six anglers that followed me on the water.
TheFishingRadar.com @thefishingradar
Another one for you Aaron, what is your favorite that usually works year-round?
@thefishingradar Overall, probably some kind of crankbait.
@BASS_nation @AMartFishing what is the biggest fish you ever caught?
@Stroker_Ace14 14 1/2 pounds out of lower Castaic Lake. But I’ve lost much bigger!
@AMartFishing what is your best advice for someone fishing as a coangler?
@JAF24Fishing Find out what your pro is doing, that will eliminate what you have to bring. Try not to bring too much stuff/rods.
@AMartFishing #basschat No questions 4 you. You seem very willing to share your knowledge. Have learned much from your videos. Thanks much!
@PhilWhetsel Thanks bro!
TheFishingRadar.com @thefishingradar
And Aaron, what are your favorite lakes to fish in Texas?
@thefishingradar Besides Falcon? I love to fish Falcon, but I Iike Toledo Bend, too.
GR8 Lakes Fishing @GR8fishing
What does it cost to fish an Open?
@GR8fishing I would say around $2,000, check out http://Bassmaster.com for more details. Entry fee plus expenses.
What’s your typical drop shot set up?!
@RU_Bassfishing I have a 7-pound Sunline sniper. A 6’10” Aaron Martens @MegabassUSA rod, a Rebarb 3/0 Gamakatsu hook and 6-inch ST Roboworm, 10-inch leader with a 1/8 oz. weight
Do you have a go-to rattle trap size or do you always try to match the forage size?
@vtbasser I try to go as large as possible. Sometimes it pays to match the hatch, but I try to go larger.
@BASS_nation @amartfishing What’s your go to bait? Mine’s a 7.5 culprit fire n ice.
@brianpurvis1 There’s so many of them, I can’t choose. It depends on location and time of year.
How did you get so good in finesse fishing? Any secret tips for me amart?!
@RU_Bassfishing Growing up in SoCal. Light line and a sensitive rod are the most important things.
@RU_Bassfishing Check out the new @MegabassUSA Orachi
#basschat what’s your favorite area on the Potomac river?
@NOVAbassin89 It’s an area nobody ever catches in – it’s called Mattawoman.
@AMartFishing @NOVAbassin89 Yeah, I’ve heard from everyone that place sucks.
@vtbasser @amartfishing last year on day 2 of the open I was fishing 1 of my favorite little spots and @AMartFishing pulled up so i watched
@AMartFishing Are u looking forward to #2013BassmasterClassic? How will u keep warm in Feb. in Okla.?
@BhamJen I eat a lot of Cayenne pepper, I put it on everything. I eat a lot of peppers too. It keeps me warm, which is important. I carry the cutoff gloves and bring like 4 or 5 pairs. Then I wear a real thin Marino full gloves too. Those are the bomb.
Any chance we can get some of those sweet shirts u toss out sent my way?
@JSJbassfishing Yeah, get in the crowd!
@AMartFishing Some anglers appear so serious. Are there practical jokers on tour? Are you one? Who is? What kind of pranks?
@PhilWhetsel Yes, there are a lot jokers. @geraldswindle hid my boat at the last tournament. I think I’ll get him back.
GR8 Lakes Fishing @GR8fishing
I like your cap, who makes it?
@GR8fishing It was probably my @MegabassUSA cap. I have many hats.
congratulations on your recent win! What’s your advice for young anglers that are pursuing a career in tournament fishing?
@mic_miller12 Be sure to spend time on the water and work really really hard.
what is your favorite lure of all-time?
@BGlockner22 A crankbait!
@BASS_nation @AMartFishing What is your favorite bass lake and what other fish do you like to target for fun?
@sptmnky My favorite is still Falcon, and I love any saltwalter fishing.
if you were going to be fishing the southern open at lake toho, what do you think a hot lure would be?
@jjc8688 I am fishing the Southern Open, I suspect sight fishing!
@AMartFishing Whats your biggest weakness in fishing? Or do you have one? Lol
@JLeefishing Being away from home is definitely my biggest weakness.
#BassChat Oneida lake tips??
@sean_snow_20 It depends on what time of year you’re there. Fish edges of the grass with the @MegabassUSA 110 jerkbait.
Do you like straight fluorocarbon or braid to fluoro for drop shot?
@MattWheeler97 Straight fluoro most of the time.
will you be fishing the southern opens next year
@jjc8688 Yes, I’m excited! I love the schedule.
@AMartFishing What is your advice to someone who strives to be an Elite Series angler someday?
@JAF24Fishing Work your butt off.
How do you telepath such good energy to your lures when working them?!
@jthaom1_jt I know all my baits intimately.
@AMartFishing if you had to fish one bait or one style of fishing at every event what would it be?
@JAF24Fishing Drop shot.
Larry McCausland @larrymccausland
@BASS_nation @amartfishing Aaron, you haven’t shaved your beard yet have you?
@larrymccausland Yes I have, my wife made me. My wife and kids don’t like it.
TheFishingRadar.com @thefishingradar
Aaron, what is your favorite thing to do, not related to fishing?
@thefishingradar Running and mountain biking, and spending time with my family. I love to hang out with my kids.
@AMartfishing Favorite knot?
@jthaom1_jt A Uni, doubled.
@AMartFishing What skill set do you find most everyday anglers ignoring in their quest to become more efficient on the water?
@WebbAngling Finesse fishing.
I caught over 20 bass on a scrounger this year thanks to you!
@BFalick Shaky fish.
TheFishingRadar.com @thefishingradar
What would be doing for a living if you weren’t competitively fishing?
@thefishingradar Something else exciting – I would like to be president of the United States. Would anyone vote for me?
So is Decatur Lake one of your favorite fisheries since you won the All-Star?
@caradclark No. Not really. I like it, but it’s not one of my favorites. I have fond memories of it.
@BASS_nation Helen…. Be nice to A-Mart…
@JLeefishing She’s being very nice.
@AMartFishing Region with the best/craziest fan?
@jthaom1_jt Louisiana. They’re pretty nuts there. Live action!
@AMartFishing Have you been to Japan?
@jthaom1_jt Yes, for 2 weeks 13 years ago. I had the flu the whole time.
what is a good scrounger head setup for fall fishing? mid-tennessee threadfin / gizzard forage.
@simplecircuit Mine is a shaky fish. 3/16 and a 1/4 oz. on 8- to 10-pound Sunline fluoro and a tiny Fluke and Fluke.
Craig Mazurek @FishingForward2
@AMartFishing What style and size hook do you use with the 6″ Roboworm drop shot?
@FishingForward2 2/0 and 3/0 ReBarb O’Shaugnessy by Roboworm
Tyler Faggart @THETylerFaggart
@THETylerFaggart: @AMartFishing How much money would it take to come talk to the NC State bass fishing team tonight?
@THETylerFaggart Tonight? Not a good night. I just got home, no amount of money could talk me out of leaving. Contact me through Facebook to set up a date!
@amartfishing what kind of lures or soft plastics will work best for sight fishing lake toho do you think?
@jjc8688 Tubes are always good.
what is your search bait to find fish at Lake Mead? What bait do you use to find the fish on this lake?
@stigar905 Probably a spinnerbait. Good luck throwing it as fast as I do.
The Insipid Prophet @InsipidProphet
What would you recommend to someone who fishes from a canoe, with no budget for electronics, and has trouble finding the fish?
@InsipidProphet Wear your life vest. I would use a spinning rod with 10-pound SX1 Sunline braid. Multitask with this setup.
@AMartFishing What baits do you keep on your deck in tournaments to get that solid 5 fish limit?
@sammycamut @BASS_nation Drop shot and shaky head, crankbait, shaky fish, and a ball-head jig
@AMartFishing shaky fish??
@AMartFishing who/what had the biggest influence on your game/fishing?
@jthaom1_jt My mother was my biggest supporter, and my brothers were my biggest influence.
@AMartFishing Bud you need to get upto MN & hit Mille Lacs smallies with us! Would love to show Bass Utopia nation some tricks!
@BassUtopia Someday, hopefully!
@AMartFishing If you ever get up here let us know! I’d be happy to show you around the lake. Best thing going in MN for sure!
#BassChat Bluegrass or rock or false dichotomies?
@vtbasser What? I prefer rock.
TheFishingRadar.com @thefishingradar
What is your favorite fishing memory during your lifetime of fishing?
@thefishingradar Winning the Tri-States with my mom
@AMartFishing What’s the best technique for fishing the Harris Chain in January?
@MClayFishing Spawning or getting ready to spawn. Look for them or flip for them. They spawn out in the grass, too.
Do you swim a jig, if so what is your favorite setup?
@DexMFN Probably a 3/8-ounce swim jig with a Skinny Dipper on the back of it.
@AMartFishing Do you run that on fluoro or braid? I use 40lb braid to 20lb fluoro with albright, on a 7′ MH fast rod.
@DexMFN Most of the time I either go straight fluoro or straight braid, and I use a uni-to-uni knot if I use braid to fluoro
@AMartFishing Ok, thanks a lot! Congrats on your recent All-Stars win!
@AMartFishing Im from RI and plan on going back to Castaic again. Other than drop shot what’s the secret there mid summer?
@LouisFalcone Mid-summer, good luck. Fish suspend, chasing shad. Light line finesse techniques are productive.
@AMartFishing it was a tough day there. Nothing of any size, did catch a nice surprise smallie. What’s the best time to fish Castaic?
@AMartFishing biggest difference in N. Bass fishery vs. S. bass fishery?
@jthaom1_jt Fish are more aggressive in the North.
@AMartFishing what is your biggest sack ever fun practice or tournament and where?
@trent_newman Probably 55 pounds or more, closet to 60 pounds fun fishing.
@AMartFishing biggest threat on the elite tour besides yourself?
@jthaom1_jt Biggest threat- consistently is probably @Kevin_VanDam
@AMartFishing Can I prefishing with you @ La Crosse next year?
@jthaom1_jt Are you a marshal?
@AMartFishing no not a marshal. oh BTW thanks for the new fishing hole @ LaX lol.
@jthaom1_jt Oh leave it alone!
@AMartFishing Lol! That honey hole in LaX is call the Amart spot now! Lol.
@jthaom1_jt I finally got a spot named after me! That’s cool.
@BASS_nation fishing pool 8 of the Mississppi this weekend. Any tips?
@AdamWohlwend @BASS_nation Fish a lot of reaction baits — topwaters, spinnerbaits and ChatterBaits.
@AMartFishing most likely elite pro you wanna take to a bar rumble? Fighting is bad btw.
@jthaom1_jt On my side, at a bar rumble @crewsmissle
How tough was the open this year? What part of the lake is your favorite on Mead?
@stigar905 There are no favorite parts. They’re all my favorite.
Craig Mazurek @FishingForward2
@AMartFishing What style weight is your favorite and always tungston?
@FishingForward2 For drop shot it’s the cylinder type. Yes, tungsten.
@AMartFishing freestyle or gameplan to the T for game day?
@jthaom1_jt Freestyle for me. Listen to your instincts.
Craig Mazurek @FishingForward2
@AMartFishing Should BASS go to new locations so more of the country can enjoy the tourneys?
@FishingForward2 Yes, totally.
@AMartFishing @FishingForward2 Agreed!
BASS_nation Thank you @AMartFishing for sticking around for so many questions! Fans, we appreciate you. A transcript will be posted soon.
All these questions have made me hungry. I’m going to miss you all! Thanks for the questions.
Remember to stay healthy, drink lots of water and eat right!