6. Logan Martin Lake
This 15,263-acre impoundment on the Coosa River is about 30 miles east of Birmingham and directly below Neely Henry. Built by Alabama Power in 1965, it stretches 48 1/2 miles long, most of it narrow and river-like along the course of the original river channel. The lake is noted as perhaps the best spotted bass water in Alabama, with high marks in both numbers and size of the hard-fighting spots. Alabama Power Company has made it easier for anglers to find both bass and panfish by sinking lots of brushy fish attractors. Coordinates of these habitat improvements are available at alabamapower.com/lakes/fishdata.asp.
Logan Martin gets lots of water skiers and joy riders in the summer, which means many anglers fish the dawn patrol or after dark to avoid the bustle. After Labor Day, however, anglers see the crowds quickly go away and the cooler weather turns on the fishing. It’s a clear lake, demanding finesse fishing much of the year; Senko-type worms, small jigs and small crankbaits fished on light lines are the most effective offerings. Find more information at birminghamal.org.
For more information on the Alabama Bass Trail, visit AlabamaBassTrail.org.