

Bill Lowen: Go big or go home

Bill Lowen was raised fishing the stingy Ohio River, where a limit is a rarity for many anglers, and a really heavy limit is a once-a-decade event.


Bill Lowen: Skinny water boat set-up

Wouldn't he be better off in a johnboat, a kayak or a canoe? After all, the self-proclaimed "river rat" loves to venture as far up a tributary as he can.


Brian Snowden: Deep wood bass

On his home waters of Table Rock Lake, Snowden has become a master at cashing checks by coaxing bass from deep water treetops.


Brent Chapman: Cyber-bassing

A lot of the best uses of technology can come from the desktop personal computer you have at home or a laptop that you take on the road.


Boyd Duckett: Experiment on top

While the former Classic Champion has some general guidelines for selecting a color for his topwater, he isn't restricted by norms, notions or rules.


Britt Myers: Seining docks for multiple fish

For Myers, not all docks are created equal: Some hold no fish; some hold one fish; and some hold multiple fish. When fishing pressure hits its peak, Myers focuses on docks that harbor mini-schools of bass.


Cliff Pace: Skirting the issue

For someone competing on a playing field that is constantly changing, the difference between success and failure on the water can sometimes be measured in the width of a few strands of a spinnerbait's skirt.

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