Winter tactics
Thousands of Bassmasters nationwide fish small bodies of water: reclaimed mining pits, county and state park lakes, stock ponds, pothole lakes, pay lakes, even golf course water hazards.
Boat cleaning
As head of the state of Washington's aquatic invasive species task force, Eric Anderson is responsible for training commercial inspectors, field officers and the general public on how to detect and control the spread of invasive species, particularly quagga and zebra mussels.
New Prescriptions
Since BASS released the booklet Keeping Bass Alive, a Guidebook for Anglers and Tournament Organizers, there have been many new innovations and techniques in fish care that anglers and tournament directors should know about.
Advance your learning curve
Qualify for the Bassmaster Elite Series and compete against the world's best sticks. That goal involves spending time on the Bassmaster Open circuit, which many now view as the perfect training ground
Prime targets for fall spinnerbaits
Fall bass fishing can be tough at times. With the fish caught in transition between late summer locations and their eventual winter haunts, where do you start fishing and what do you throw?
Tapping Smallmouth in the abyss
In his never-ending pursuit of trophy smallmouth, Chris Johnson often works the abyss.
Brown bass are different
Smallmouth bass are different. If you don't believe me, go catch one. For my money, they're stronger than a largemouth or spot. They fight harder and longer and are more challenging to catch.
Keeping Bass Alive
The objective of these articles are very simple maximize the survival of bass that are caught and released during tournaments. The target audience for this publication includes tournament anglers, organizers, hosts and sponsors, and bass boat owners, dealers and manufacturers. All of these groups have interests in, and responsibilities for, maximizing the survival of bass caught and released during tournaments.
Two Fall Patterns
Don't get me wrong. I love summertime fishing, too, but fall is special, and I'll be glad when it's here. Cooler weather, less boat traffic and the beautiful fall colors are all things that I look forward to at this time of the year.