Ranger-led programs to attend at National parks

(Photo: Courtney Johnson)

One of the best parts of a visit to a national park, monument or historical site is the ranger-led programs. The highest concentration of programs are led through the summer, although some parks lead programs year-round. These programs are free and often do not require reservations. Many times children can earn nonpark-specific Junior Ranger badges, from Night Explorer to Angler, during one of the programs. Here are the top seven ranger-led programs to enjoy during your next visit to a park, site or monument. 

Angler Program

Offered at Rocky Mountain National Park, Acadia National Park, Dry Tortugas National Park and Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, to mention a few, this free program teaches the ins and outs of fishing to little anglers. Topics include fish conservation, fishing technique, history and more. This also offers little anglers the opportunity to earn a Angler badge. Here is a list from the National Parks Foundation of participating parks. As always, program offerings change, so be sure to check with the park you are visiting for current opportunities. 

Astronomy In The Park/Sky Parties

A few dozen national parks, monuments and historical sites have been named International Dark Sky Parks. In some of the darkest places, from Zion to Mesa Verde, you can do some of the best stargazing. Astronomy programs are offered at parks throughout the year, where star lovers young and old can view planets and stars through high-powered telescopes while also learning about comets, seasonal changes to the night sky and more. Sometimes events are created around specific celestial events, including meteor showers. Children can earn their Night Explorer badge at many of these events. Here is a great source to find programs near you. 

B.A.R.K. Ranger

The B.A.R.K. Ranger Program isa program that teaches dogs and their owners how to be responsible visitors to national parks. The principles of B.A.R.K. are:

  • Bag your pet’s waste
  • Always leash your pet
  • Respect wildlife
  • Know where you can go

The program is only offered at a select number of parks and monuments. Here are some of the locations that offer the program.

Campfire/Evening Programs

As the sun goes down, our national parks often come alive. Evening and campfire talks are a great way to learn about the nocturnal creatures that call the parks home or the history of the land in and around a national park, monument or historical site. Rangers bring legends and stories alive in the darkness. Search the calendar for your particular park to see what they offer in the evenings.

Geology/Interpretive Talks

How exactly were the sand dunes formed at Great Sand Dunes National Park or White Sands National Park? What formed the hoodoos in Bryce Canyon National Park or the arches in Arches National Park? Geology talks are a great way to learn about rocks, erosion and how the earth works. Places with unique geology tend to offer these talks more often, from Canyonlands National Park to the lava tubes of Lassen Volcanic National Park. Head to the website of the park you want to visit and see what their current offerings are. 

Guided Hikes

Ranger-led hikes offer visitors a chance to ask questions and learn about a park in-depth from resident experts. Rangers chat about history, the local plant and animal life and more as they lead visitors on a hike safely through the park. This is a great opportunity for hikers who aren’t sure how to navigate a hike, aren’t sure of hike directions and want to minimize risk. Hikes will vary in length and difficulty. This is one of the most widely available programs throughout the national park system. A simple search for ranger-led hikes and the park you are visiting (or checking the park calendar) will help you see current opportunities. Many places offer the same or similar hikes from snowshoes in the winter.

Tribal Presentations

There are 27 tribes known to have cultural association with Yellowstone National Park. This year, a pilot program has been launched at the Yellowstone Tribal Heritage Center located at the historic Haynes Photo Shop in the Old Faithful area. Various presenters will be featured through the end of September from tribes including Oglala Lakota, Little Shell Chippewa, Northern Arapaho, Kiowa and more. These presenters will showcase artistry, from poetry and beadwork to watercolor and Indigenous food. 

Other Programs:

Demonstrations — See sled dogs in action at parks like Denali National Park, or see how old fire hoses work at a maritime demonstration at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore in Michigan. 

Bird/Animal Watching — Some parks offer programs to observe the animals from a safe distance with rangers. From birds to bugling elk, check the park calendar to see what each park is currently offering. 

Citizen Science — Water-quality studies, counting the population of animals and more citizen science projects are led by rangers at various parks.