What is it?
Stanley Jigs Hale Raiser
What does it do?
Similar to a traditional vibrating jig, the Hale Raiser has some unique design features that create a very distinctive action.
What sets it apart?
The hook is separated from the jighead by a joint that was designed to help reduce how many fish become unbuttoned. Essentially, it eliminates a leverage point for the fish once its been hooked—the fish is more likely to stay stuck until you pull the hooks out with your hands. The joint also generates an action that gets magnified as the blade vibrates through the water. The wedge-shaped head helps drive it through heavier cover.
How do I use it?
Tie it on, choose a sexy-swimming plastic trailer and work it slowly over and adjacent to cover. The only science that needs mentioned with vibrating jigs is to work them slowly; far too many anglers blaze them through the estimated strike zone, and miss fish because it’s moving too fast. Having a horizontal presentation that you can work slowly can be very effective, and the Hale Raiser is extra enticing.
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