Gear Up: Kids’ Osprey Ace 38 Pack

This lightweight, versatile backpack is designed for kids as young as 6 years old.

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What sets it apart?
The Osprey Ace pack has a suspension system that adjusts up to 4 inches, so the backpack will grow with your child. The pack also has an adjustable hip belt to take the load off the shoulders and back and transfer it to the hips.

How do I use it?
Begin by measuring your child’s torso length. If the pack needs to be adjusted, lay it on the ground and pull the frame strap tabs out, which will allow you to move the frame up or down. Next, put the pack on and adjust the hip belt, making sure the weight from the pack is on the child’s hips. Finally, adjust the shoulder straps to ensure comfort.

How much?

Corey’s insight:
The Osprey Ace 38 kids’ backpack is highly adjustable and just the right size for kids interested in beginning backpacking. By limiting the pack to 38 liters, it ensures the weight won’t be too much for aspiring backpackers. Our son, age 9, is average height for his age and will be able to get 2 to 3 more years out of the frame before upgrading to a larger size. The larger versions of this pack have side zippers to access the main compartment, and I wish this version did, too.

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