Gear review: BPS Ultralite 10-Foot Watercraft Coiled Leash

What is it?

BPS (Barrel Point Surf) specializes in water gear and accessories for both saltwater and freshwater activities. For over 30 years, its mission has been to outfit water-goers with everything they need to make lifelong memories while having a safe day in or on the water. Accessories like the 10-foot watercraft leash add that extra level of security and ease to your water fun! Created for flat-water paddlers, this leash provides you with a comfy cuff to prevent blisters and chafing while also ensuring you don’t have dragging and snagging while attached.

What sets it apart?

This lightweight watercraft leash has dual swivels, one at the ankle cuff and one at the board attachment, to reduce tangling and dragging. The coiled leash keeps it out of the way while paddling but comfortably extends and avoids tugging should you enter the water. The ankle cuff is secure and adjustable with a padded Velcro strap that can fit a child’s ankle as easily as it can a full-grown adult’s. And the corded board attachment can securely fit any SUP or kayak with several sizes of attachment points. The cuff even has a hidden key compartment in it!

How do I use it? 

Pass the corded end through the attachment point on your SUP or kayak, then loop the entire leash through the corded end to secure it. Before getting out on the water, wrap the padded side of the ankle cuff around your ankle and secure it with the Velcro strap.

How much?


Adventurtunity Family insight:

We recently got our son a kayak and it did not come with a leash. We wanted to make sure that if he went in the water, that his kayak would not float away from him. So, we got this BPS Ultralite leash for him and it has worked great! He loves it because it’s blue, like his kayak and life vest. We love it because it’s comfortable on him and, because it’s coiled, it stays out of his way while paddling and doesn’t drag or snag on anything in the water. We got the Ultralite version because it has a corded board attachment instead of a big Velcro strap attachment meant for D-rings. His kayak has smaller attachment rings that those straps would not have fit, but the corded attachment was perfect to attach to his kayak.

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