Lester’s fast and furious early flurry

See Brandon Lester get on 'em quick and early on the final day of the 2022 Whataburger Bassmaster Elite at Pickwick Lake!

Brandon Lester made the 25-minute run up Pickwick Lake on Championship Sunday with hopes of sealing a wire-to-wire victory during the 2022 Whataburger Bassmaster Elite at Lake Pickwick.
He idled into position, using his electronics to put his boat right where it needed to be to effectively work the area.
His first cast over the old farmstead, flooded when Pickwick Lake was formed, was with a Strike King 4.0 crankbait.
He has landed his first fish within a cast or two each morning, but after several unproductive tries with the crankbait, Lester picked up a plastic to slow things down.
Spectators gathered to watch, keeping their distance to ensure they didn’t interfere with Lester.
A couple of casts with the worm was all it took to provoke the first bite of the day.
Lester was battling the bass less than 10 minutes after coming off plane.
This was the kind of bass Lester needed to set a foundation for the day’s work. But the fish was doing everything it could to break loose.
But soon the bass was being scooped into the boat.
This first fish of the day was logged into BASSTrakk at 4 1/2 pounds.
He went right back with the same bait …
… and quickly set the hook again.
And 2 minutes after landing his first bass, Lester was hauling in a bass that topped 3 pounds.
As soon as Lester could re-rig the lure, Lester was firing again.
It was obvious the school was fired up, allowing Lester to hook nto a third fish n as many casts.
This bass was logged at 2-12, and Lester was well on his way to his five-fish limit.
A couple of casts later Lester set the hook again.
This was another fiesty fish, and Lester acted like it might be a good one.
It was another 4-pounder.
Lester was essentially making the same cast over and over, and the bass were definitely there and ready to play.
They also were trying not to be caught.
This 4-pounder rounded out his limit — about 30 minutes after wetting his line.
Lester took the time to show folks watching the live show exactly what he was targeting.
He caught one throwback before hooking up on another quality fish.
It wasn’t a 4-pounder, but it looked like it might help.
Lester pulled out the balance beam …
… and, sure enough, was able to cull up a few ounces.