Huff and Co. on Pickwick

Catch up with Cody Huff, Jacob Foutz, and Justin Atkins as they tackle the third day of the 2022 Whataburger Bassmaster Elite at Pickwick Lake!

Catch up with Cody Huff, Jacob Foutz, and Justin Atkins as they tackle the third day of the 2022 Whataburger Bassmaster Elite at Pickwick Lake!
He’ll stay in the running after today! Look out for Cody Huff as he inches his way back to the top of the leaderboard on day three.
Huff came into day three with a strong position. Sitting in second place with 40-8.
Huff started out by quickly fishing his first spot without any activity. He decided to go ahead and make an early move and save this spot for later.
Ariving at the next spot, Huff fished an area along side Joseph Webster.
Not a good sight for Huff, but a lot of action for Webster as he starts to land some fish.
Both in good spirits, Huff decides to leave this spot to Webster and head to the next spot.
What started as a slow morning for Huff is just about to change. Fish number one is hooked up.
And Huff is on the board.
At this moment, Huff has one fish and currently dropped from the top ten. He has some ground to make up and his work cut out for him.
But it doesn’t take long for him to find another.
And it’s in the boat.
Fish number two and Huff is starting to gain some confidence in this sopot.
Huff continues to fish this spot throwing a small variety of baits, but mostly relying with a large spoon.
Jake Latandresse shows BASS Live the action as Huff works the spoon through a school of fish on the LiveScope.
And the school of fish continues to stay fired up.
Fish number three is in the boat and this one will help tremendously.
Much better size! This 3-8 largemouth moves Huff back into the top ten.
And it’s quickly back into the water, attempting to keep the school of fish active and biting.
Huff is allowing the spoon to sink along an underwater ledge, giving it rigorous jerks every couple seconds.
And he finds fish number four.
Another good one in the boat and Huff is challenging the top five on BASSTrakk.
This catch put Huff on the sidelines for a few minutes. Afer removing the hook, he ended up getting stuck in the leg and had to use braided line to jerk the hook back out.
A little blood, a little pain, but the hook is removed and it’s back to fishing.
Huff is still fishing this same spot. After the spoon bite fell off for a bit, he decides to pick up a crankbait.
And it worked!
And Huff lands fish number five!
Celebration fist bumps are a must. Five fish in the boat and time to search for upgrades. He doesn’t know it, but this fish moves him into second place on BASSTrakk.
Now it’s time to go searching for some bigger ones. Huff still has a lot of room to cull, which means he can easily move up even more if he finds the right fish.
Tune into Bassmaster Live weigh in to see how Cody Huff finishes up semifinal Saturday here at Lake Pickwick.
Towards the end of the day I caught up with Jacob Foutz. Foutz has already had a spectacular day and currently sits in third right behind Cody Huff on BASSTrakk.
While I didn’t get to see any fish catches with Foutz, I learned that he has been relying on this spot the entire day.
A trusty spot for sure given Foutz has had tremendous day sitting right here. He is using a slower approach at the moment, dragging along the bottom.
No fish catches for the camera and just a few action shots… but we will surely catch up with Jacob Foutz tomorrow on Championship Sunday! See how it all plays out this afernoon on BASS Live at the 2022 Whataburger Elite at Lake Pickwick.