Christie running Pickwick

Follow along with Jason Christie as he fires up the fish on Day 2 of the Whataburger Bassmaster Elite at Pickwick Lake

After sacking up 22-2 on Day 1 of the Whataburger Bassmaster Elite, Jason Chrisite got back to work on Day 2 in hopes of taking over the lead.
The reigning Classic champion ran around to several spots early but didn’t make a cast until he reached his third spot.
The combination of boat pressure and the lack of current forced Christie to fish an offshore spot further back in a creek.
After working over this spot, Christie runs back out to the main river.
Finding an area on the main river that doesn’t house multiple competitors has proved to be difficult, but Christie fished a few areas early that he had to himself.
Before leaving each spot, Christie would idle back over the spot to find out how the fish were setting up, and why they weren’t biting.
After fishing a number of offshore schools with no luck, Christie makes a move that would pay off.
Christie hooks up with his first keeper of the morning.
Just moments later, Christie hooks up with another keeper. Neither of his first two keepers were the size he was looking for, but a start nontheless.
Although the first couple hours of the morning were slow for the Oklahoma pro, the action picked up when he got this school fired up.
Christie boated four keepers all within a 10 minute span.
Before leaving the school, Christie sits behind his Garmin units and tries to relocate the fish.
After a short move, Christie pools out another rod.
Late in the morning, Christie makes a move back to his original starting spot.
Christie fished around the area until he located the group of fish. Once he located them, it was on.
After the first fish was boated, Christie went on to fire up the school and boated several fish in a row.
After filling his limit, Christie made a couple of small culls.