An early start on Okeechobee

The Elites get started early on the first day of the 2023 SiteOne Bassmaster Elite at Lake Okeechobee!

The sun top the clouds and spread golden light over a choppy Lake Okeechobee for the first day of the Elite Series event.
After practice, anglers predicted the lake would fish very small, saying there were only a handful of places that had vegetation. But when you find it, it’s thick and the water is crystal clear.
Anglers began runing past, and then defending Angler of the Year Brandon Palaniuk popped around the corner of flooded reeds.
Then Jamie Hartman came off plane to fish the same cove.
Darold Gleason snuck past us somehow, but was soon visible among the flooded reeds farther into the cove.
The Elite anglers were not alone: There were recreational anglers already fishing when the pros arrived.
Local anglers were thick on the famed fishery in some laces.
As if four anglers in 150 yards wasn’t enough, Josh Stracner eased into the mix …
… and was soon flipping mats.
Next in was Kenta Kimura, who put his trolling motor down just off the running lane and began working his way back into the cove.
Pros contined to run by as Stracner worked the mats near the running lane.
Many of the local boats were crappie anglers, but the pros still had to work around them.
Covering the pile of pros was difficult, as an angler could easily land a bass while I was looking in another direction. That’s exactly what happened when Hartman landedthis bass: I turned around from watching Kimura to see Hartman putting the fish in the livewell.
Anglers can easily get lost in the jumble of flooded reeds.
The pros had their heads on swivels, too, trying to keep up with who was where. Here, Gleason looks out of a small pocket to see where he could move.
It was amazing to discover how many anglers were in this pocket that couldn’t be seen. We moved around some canes to spot Brandon Card farther back.
The amount of birdlife picking around in the matted vegetation was incredible.
Bernie Schultz was less than 100 yards away from Card when we pushed farther into the pocket …
… and Steve Kennedy was a long cast away from Schultz.
However, the anglers worked together remarkably well. Here, Jacob Foutz works standing reeds while Card fishes a mat 50 yards away.
Schultz caught a small keeper.
Justin Hamner was the next angler to pop into the football field-sized area.
And then Cliff Prince appeared about 150 yards away.