What will happen today?

The Cowboy as he has become known, Joey Cifuentes III, had to have gone to bed fairly happy last night. He’s fishing Seminole a way that few ever have, at least with the tools now available. He’s been able to successfully navigate big bass after big bass through some of the gnarliest submerged timber on the planet, without losing a significant fish (to my recollection) since early on Day 2. And he’s done all of this to amass a 4- pound, 1- ounce lead going into the final day of only the second Elite Series event of his career. Can anyone wake him up from this dream? 

Well, you don’t have to look far to find a fellow dreamer who would like to rock Cifuentes boat like one of these South Georgia stumps we keep hearing about. Tyler Rivet is living a dream as well, sitting in 2nd after Day 3, Rivet lifted his first blue trophy a week ago today on Lake Okeechobee. He started Championship Sunday of that event 2 pounds back of Steve Kennedy, who had been the picture of consistency up to that point with 23- pounds a day. Kennedy faltered on the final day and Rivet ran him down. Can Rivet chase Cifuentes down as well? Or will the rookie reign supreme? We’ll see.