Unwritten rules

Soon after Webster gets to his first stop, and of course sees that Carl is already there, Jocumsen boats his first fish.

There are lots of unwritten rules in bass fishing. There’s a moral code that some anglers share, and it’s one that other anglers could care less about. If it’s not in the official rule book, it ain’t a rule to some. And to others, there’s a common courtesy that should be extended regardless. Interestingly enough, the position many anglers take on this depends on the day, and whether or not it’s too their advantage or disadvantage to ride the high horse.

One such unwritten rule that we’ll likely see come up today is, he who has the upper hand after Day 1 gets a little room to fish on Day 2. So, if two anglers were sharing water amicably on Day 1, the guy that’s ahead after the first day’s weigh-in gets dibs on the juice and the other angler is supposed to backoff.

It’s also the opinion of some that this courtesy doesn’t start until Day 3, when the anglers start going out in order of their position in the standings, since the first two days’ order is determined by the luck of the draw.

The unwritten rules will come up out on Pickwick today, as anglers try to bully, maneuver and shame each other off the fish. There’s a lot more that goes into this game than simply making a cast at a bass.