Time to start looking towards the cutline

Alex Redwine

Anglers sitting above 50th when the scales close today will be guaranteed $10,000 and move on to fish tomorrow, while the other 54 anglers will unfortunately have no money in their pockets and unwanted free time on their hands. Alex Redwine started the day off in 51st place, just outside the Day 2 cutline. Undoubtedly, he was hoping for another 11-5 to squeak into Day 3. Redwine has been pleasantly surprised however with one of the biggest bags of the day (14-3) to rally all the way into 9th place at the moment.

So Redwine has done what he set out to do. But many others are still scrambling for a few more bites to protect or secure their spots. The cut was 11-6 after Day 1. It’ll likely be a little less than twice that to make Day 3. Let’s call it 22-3 for an educated guess. The cut on BassTrakk right now sits at 18-4, with Kyle Welcher holding down the bubble-boy spot. Less than 4 pounds separates 40th and 60th currently. This will be a tight race til the last cast is made today.