“This ain’t good”

Scott Canterbury’s sentiment at the midway point of Day 1 is, “This ain’t good.” One of the pre-tournament favorites, Canterbury has only four small keepers for about 5 pounds. “I’ll be happy with anything in the teens.”

Canterbury’s plan for this event, fish each day like it’s a one day derby. Junk fish and catch whatever he can, aiming for at least 13 pounds per day. And then hoping for a big day (in the 18- to 20- pound range) along the way to give him a shot at the title.

All might seem lost at this point for many anglers. But not for an Alabama grinder like Canterbury. He doesn’t know that he sits in 64th place currently, but he does know he’s one good bite from a salvaged day. Two bites from a good day. If he adds a 5-pounder as his limit fish right now, he’ll jump into the Top 20. If he culls with another over 4, he’ll move into the Top 10. That’s two casts, with 500 or so left to go before weigh-in.