The wind is here, will get worse

The wind isn’t just coming, the wind is already here. Paul Mueller is threatening to take off his socks on Bassmaster LIVE MIX. The winds are already blowing out of the south at more than 10 miles per hour, expected to shift soon to easterly winds up to 30 miles per hour or more by weigh-in. 

This wind will absolutely wreck some of the places anglers have relied on, and likely require all to change up their presentations. Days 1 and 2, Matt Robertson led throwing a topwater on a shallow flat. His bait will have to jump from wave crest to wave crest today if he tries it. 

“This wind will make it even more challenging to fish the way I have to,” said Mark Menendez. “If I can get this worm down to the bottom, I think I’ll be alright.”

We’re getting our first glimpses of Menendez this morning, and we’ve found out that the topwater bite we speculated him to be on yesterday was actually a worm bite around outside cypress trees. 

“There are not a lot of fish out here, but they’re the right ones.”  

Steve Kennedy has been the most protected angler we’ve seen so far, fishing a shad spawn under the I95 bridge. And Luke Palmer is in a fairly calm area as well. So there will be a few places to escape the wind, but they will be few indeed and becoming even fewer as the day wears on.