Smallmouth Century Belts

During the weigh-in at last week’s Elite on Lake Champlain, Jacob Powroznik let it be known that he wouldn’t be surprised if the Top 10 all broke 100 pounds on the St. Lawrence River this go round. Admittedly, even those of us on the tournament coverage crew brushed this exuberance aside, acknowledging that Powroznik can get a little excitable at times. Lots of crow to go around at the moment.

Powroznik’s prediction still seems slightly far-fetched at present, with “only” five anglers reaching the halfway point in yesterday’s weigh-in. But with ideal smallmouth conditions today and favorable ones again tomorrow, could Powroznik’s prophecy prove true?

John Cox sat in 10th after Day 2, 2 pounds and 2 ounces off the 50-pound mark. Cooper Gallant in 9th and Bryant Smith in 8th were a pound and a half back to start the day. The remainder of the Top 10 had more than 50 or were within ounces of that number. All of these anglers and the ones near them are a threat to put 25- to 26- pounds on the scales the next two days.

We’ll have a better view of how this will play out in a few hours. But it’s pretty safe to say at this point, we’ll see what have never seen done before last year, be done again this year. And mostly likely more than twice this go round. A testament to the skillset of these anglers, the sophistication of their equipment and the quality of this unbelievable fishery.