Robertson hopeful

Matt Robertson has been unusually quiet the first few minutes of Bassmaster LIVE MIX here on Day 3. He’s less entertaining that way but less hazardous as well. Even though he’s not saying much this morning, you can tell he’s highly hopeful.

Robertson reported that he caught an 8-pounder on a glide bait during practice, on Monday when the wind blew hard. All day on LIVE yesterday, the Day 1 leader kept looking to Day 3, confident he could have a shot at 30 pounds if the wind would blow. It’s relatively calm this morning, but Robertson is committed to making it happen with a big bait in his hand as soon as the winds do pick up. He has four different glide baits on deck, all appearing to be in the 5- to 6-inch range. Look for Robertson to bounce back big here on Day 3.