Reading between the lines of BassTrakk

We’re an hour or so into Day 1 and there hasn’t been a ton of shakeup amongst the top of the leaderboard so far, though BassTrakk might say otherwise on the surface.

Yes, Matt Arey has jumped up into 2nd currently from 69th and Caleb Kuphall has shot up from 43rd to 5th. But when you dig a little deeper into BassTrakk this time of morning, you can get a clearer picture.

One of my favorite features of the new BassTrakk is the expanded view for each angler, which allows us to see a weight and time stamp for the top five fish catches of each angler. Looking at this, we see that Matt Arey’s 15-13 bag is comprised of fish weighing 4-pounds and less. While Brandon Palaniuk who sits in 5th currently with only three fish for 9-8 looks to be lagging behind. But of those three fish, one weighs 6-pounds. This puts Palaniuk in a far better position. If Arey intends to stay in the top 10, he’ll have to cull everything he’s got. Where Palaniuk already has one in the boat that he’ll be proud to tote across stage.

We have our eyes out for early movers here on Day 2, but we have to read between the lines to see who’s really making a run. And BassTrakk gives us that capability.