Przekurat out of breath

Jay Przekurat just caught a big one… another big one. He currently has the biggest bag of the day with 24-4 and that 5-4 he just put in the boat bumped him well over the 50-pound mark at 51-1. 

During the recent fight, the 5-plus bronze back leapt several feet out of the water four different times. I’m not sure Przekurat took a breath during the whole fight, speechless once he got the fish into the boat. After catching his breath he uttered,

“This place is incredible.” 

What more could he say really. For two days now, he’s averaged over 5-pounds per smallmouth bass. He’s over halfway to cashing in a Century Belt and making history as the first angler ever to do it with all smallmouth, though he may have some company breaking records with him on Sunday. 

Judging by the weights we’re seeing on BassTrakk, and knowing our illustrious Elite Series anglers like to fudge the numbers a little bit, there are likely at least two more anglers already over the 50-pound mark as long as they can make it in to weigh-in without any issues.