Pipkens finds a school

Chad Pipkens has located a group of quality smallmouth. After losing one right at the boat to conclude a lengthy battle, he landed another 2 1/2-pounder that culled out a much smaller fish. Pipkens said there are about eight or 10 more bass in the area that he can see on his graph. As it stands, Pipkens has 10-12 and is in 15th unofficially on BassTrakk.

“All we needed was a rally,” Pipkens told his marshal.

He has been making short pitches to the smallmouth and at one point, they were all under his trolling motor he said. Pipkens fished this spot yesterday as well, but the wind wouldn’t allow him to break it down effectively. The smallmouth are on a break with gravel and rock. One or two more quality bass and Pipkens could find his way into the mix on Championship Sunday.