Palaniuk off to a rough start

Brandon Palaniuk has had a very difficult start to the semi-final event of the year.

“We have not had the morning I was hoping for.”

With only one non-keeper to show for all his effort in these first three hours, Palaniuk is showing a slightly more rattled side than we’ve seen from him any other time this year. But in true BP fashion, he remains optimistic.

“You either win or you learn. This morning we have learnt.”

The main lesson today for Palaniuk, navigating boat traffic. He tried to start a little off and then work his way towards the juice on his first stop of the morning, and another angler swooped in and started right on top of where he was headed.

No real injustice here, just a different approach than Palaniuk’s and one that had the other angler in the catbird seat, so to speak.

This speed bump in BP’s game plan has derailed his whole morning thus far. But he’s moving and adjusting. Not having expected many bites today anyway, he isn’t all that concerned yet.

But a couple decent fish in the well would surely go a long way for him mentally right now.