New working on the best bag

Bryan New is in the best position to really piece together the first big, meaningful bag of the day. He has close to 16-pounds currently, as do Bob Downey and Seth Feider. But New’s bag has a couple solid 4s and a 1-14 in it, where Feider has a more steady average with five 3-pounders. And although Downey’s bag has a similar composition to New’s, New sits a half dozen spots and 6-pounds ahead of Downey on the event. 

This means New has the best chance to improve upon his bag with each swing of the bat, while also putting himself in contention to fish on Championship Sunday. If New catches another 4- plus, he’ll really start to settle himself in to fish with the top 10 tomorrow. Two more, and he may take the lead going into the final day.