Mueller lands “average” smallmouth

Paul Mueller caught his first bass of Day 2 at 7:45 this morning. He put it on the scales and wasn’t particularly happy with what he saw, saying, “A little over four-and-a-quarter. That’s got to be our smallest one, but we’ll take it for now.”

That’s the reality of the unreal smallmouth bass fishery on display this week at the St. Lawrence River. Every one of the 90 anglers weighed a limit on Day 1 and 61 anglers had at least 20 pounds in their five-bass limits. The totals at the scales were 450 fish weighing 1,881-7. That’s an average weight of just under 4 1/4 pounds each. So, yeah, if Mueller wants to stay near the top of the leaderboard, his first bass of the day needs to be the smallest he brings to the weigh-in this afternoon. Mueller started the day in 4th place after catching 25-9 on Day 1.