Look at the leaderboard

As Mike Suchan pointed out on Bassmaster LIVE, Clifford Pirch just moved from 56th to 6th place with the second biggest bass of the day weighing 7-6.

Bryan New has also made a recent move into 12th place with 16-0. Brandon Palaniuk is hanging right there with New, tied for 12th currently.

Will Davis Jr had one of the hottest hands this morning, with 16-4 by 9:50 AM. But he hasn’t registered a bass since then and has steadily drifted down the leaderboard to currently sit in 10th place.

Scott Martin put together a massive bag early, with 26- pounds by 11 AM. But no culls since. He’s been sitting back and protecting his main area, hoping to pick up a stray cull without pounding on his primary stretch.