Leaderboard shuffle

Tyler Rivet has jumped into the lead this morning, with four fish for about 9- pounds. The guy in second currently though has a little more of a story to tell to start the day.

Matt Robertson has three solid fish in the boat for an estimated 9-2, virtually in a tie for first at the moment. He’s sitting in pretty good shape, but a few minutes ago Robertson missed out on a golden opportunity to be sitting really good.

Another long and intense battle with one of these Oahe smallmouth ended as Robertson finally was able to reach for the fish from his boat’s driver’s seat. The fish spooked, made another run towards the bottom and pulled off.

Close to 4-pounds according to Robertson, which would have put him one bite away from what would likely have been a top 10 bag at the end of the day. Instead, he’s two bites away still at the moment.