Kennedy with a “good one”

The term “good one” is relative from fishery to fishery. Go to the Sabine River, and you’ll see that any fish over 2 pounds is in fact a good one. A 4- pound smallmouth is a good one on Champlain and St Clair. A largemouth a little bigger than that is a good one most of the time on Guntersville and Okeechobee. But here, you need a bass to tip the scales at 5 pounds or better to really get the blood pumping. 

A quick look at the last catch posted by the top 15 anglers on BassTrakk shows that 11 of those 15 fish weighed more than 4 pounds. Cooper Gallant leads with 24 pounds, 12 ounces, and a 5-0, a 5-8 and a 5-12 in the boat. Chris Johnston sits in 2nd, with at least two over 5 pounds. Jay Przekurat has a 5 in 3rd. Kyle Welcher with one in 5th. Josh Douglas has two in 6th. Tyler Rivet with one in 7th. Kyoya Fujita has two in 8th. Joey Cifuentes with the Phoenix Boats Big Bass lead sitting in 16th, boated a 6 pound, 2 ounce stud early this morning. That’s some good ones indeed.