Kennedy can’t change, can he? 

Steve Kennedy has been the most consistent angler by far the last three days, with 23 pounds, 8 ounces, 23 pounds, 9 ounces, and 23 pounds, 1 ounce each day respectively. But today Kennedy has only four fish in the boat for less than 5 pounds.

Fans may be watching Kennedy fling his frog around frantically while they scream at the screen, “Do something different!” But how can Kennedy change things up now? His frog has brought 15 big fish to the scales throughout all sorts of varying winds and weather.

He only needs a few big bites now to convert his Day 3 lead to an Elite Series blue trophy, sitting 11 pounds back of Tyler Rivet. A 6- pounder would cut that lead in half immediately as Kennedy’s 5th fish. Another 6 would cull a dink. And then it’s a tight race again.

Will Kennedy change things up? It’s not looking likely. Nor should it.