Kennedy and Rivet advance, Cook with a shot

Steve Kennedy is the latest angler to make a move, challenging current leader Scott Martin only slightly. Kennedy’s last bite, a 4-6, moved him up to 23 pounds. Martin still sits 3 comfortable pounds ahead. But Kennedy does have a couple of 2-pounders he can cull. So a 5-pounder puts him right there with Martin.

Tyler Rivet sits in third, 4 pounds, 9 ounces back of Martin with 21-8, but his fish are all solid.

The next angler to have a good shot at eclipsing Martin with one swing of the bat is sitting in 4th. Drew Cook has an estimated 20 pounds even. But in that bag there are three 2-pounders. An 8-pounder and Cook is right there with Martin. Two big bites and he could easily overtake him.