Herren in the lead

Matt Herren holds the current lead, with a textbook solid bag of Mississippi River bass. 

We’ve talked extensively this last week about what success will look like for the final stop of the season. Herren has painted a perfect picture of it this morning. 

Four-pounders will come at a premium here, while 5-pound plus fish are all but non-existent. To do well, it’s all about averaging better than average bites. Everything Herren has in the well is between 2- and 3/4- pounds and 3- and 1/4. 

Now, if Herren does catch one of those rare big ones over 4, he’ll almost guarantee himself a spot in the Top 3 at the end of the day, with 17-pounds or so. Considering he’s one of the best shallow water vegetation anglers on tour, it’s hard to believe he’s done all his damage so far on a Ned rig. 

But this means Herren is in great position to put together a monster bag when he inevitably shifts to a frog and flipping stick. Frogging on the Mississippi is a great way to get a big one. Selling out on this technique is dangerous, as the bites can be few and far between. 

Having a strong limit in the boat early, Herren can comfortably fish for a big bite the rest of the day.