Grass, brush, docks and the dam

Lots of diverse fishing going on out on Lay Lake right now, as we expected to see. The six anglers that we have LIVE cameras with have been a good representation of how the whole field is likely fishing. We’ve seen multiple anglers at times fishing docks (Herren, Canterbury), the dam (Herren, Will Davis Jr), brush (Clent Davis) and grass (Cobb, Canterbury, Davis Jr). 

We’ve even seen Will Davis Jr sight fish a 2- and 1/2- pound bass off a bed and hook up with two 3-pounders schoolers on one cast with a topwater. This is a junk fishing exhibition at its finest. And the one that’s sampled more than any other angler we have on camera is sitting the highest in 4th. Will Davis Jr still has a few spots to climb, but the Alabama hammer is firing on all cylinders so far.