Fruits of the Spirit

Paul Mueller is a professed Christian. Not in your face with it, but vocal about it all the same and certainly unashamed. Christianity in a nutshell is the belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, offered up by God as the sacrifice for all of humanity’s sins. If you have faith in Jesus and confess Him as your Lord and Savior, you’re granted eternal life. Now that’s a pretty big nutshell, but Christians believe this and are expected to walk through life differently once they encounter Jesus and are gifted the Holy Spirit. 

The Holy Spirit guides Christians through life, helping them become more like Jesus as they go along. This process is called sanctification, where the Fruits of the Spirit become evidenced through the Christian’s life. These are love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. A lot of our Elite anglers are also Christians, and you’ll hear them sincerely thank the Lord, God, and Jesus regularly. But none have been more apparently sanctified than Mueller this week. 

Mueller is walking out his faith, right through a valley. He’s lost multiple 6- to 8-pound bass the last few days. He’s not once lost his temper. Had he gotten these fish into the boat, he’d likely be neck and neck with leader Luke Palmer. Instead, Palmer is blowing the doors off the competition. Both Palmer and Mueller have referenced “God’s plan”. One doing so from the valley and the other atop the mountain, trusting that if it’s his time to win, he will win. The angler can only work as hard as possible and release control of the rest. 

Palmer and Mueller are both good dudes. They credit it to their shared faith. Gong to be fun to watch either win.