Foutz kicking himself

Jacob Foutz just lost a difference-maker, one that came all the way into the boat before escaping Foutz’s grasp.

Foutz went to boat flip a well-hooked bass that had eaten his Strike King 10XD. He was attempting to flip the fish between the driver’s seat and the console while standing on the back deck of the boat. Everything was going to plan as the fish came out of the water but then it gave one final vicious head shake which freed it from both hooks.

The fish’s momentum carried it over the gunwale of the boat where it careened off the seat and back into the water. Foutz made a last ditch effort to grab for the fish in the water, but it was gone.

“That was stupid,” Foutz uttered disgustingly. “That was stupid.”

No Foutz, that was just bad luck. The fish was hooked good. The move was clean. It just didn’t workout. You’re an Elite Series rookie and you’ve fished a phenomenal tournament and are currently sitting in third place according to BassTrakk. Keep your head up and keep swinging. Impressive.