Dry and calm, so far

Day 3 dawns and Lake Murray doesn’t look all that different after all. Forecasts had rain and strong winds predicted for today. So far, things are dry and relatively calm with a slight wind out of the south. This is a big deal for the bed fishermen like our leader Drew Benton, as the rain looks like it will stay north most of the day and the winds won’t pick up until the afternoon.

Rain and wind make it much harder to see bass on bed, which would have taken an advantage away from Benton, who is one of the best sight fisherman on tour. But the majority of the field was hoping for foul weather, not to disrupt Benton’s game plan so much as to play into their own. This lake is packed with 3, 4 and 5-pound largemouth cruising around the shallows. But they are nearly impossible to catch. The hope was that wind and rain would make these bass more aggressive and thus ease the mental anguish of seeing 25-pound bags swim around the boat all day.

The conditions are different today as compared to Days 1 and 2, and certainly more favorable for the topwater bite. But Benton and the other bed fishermen are in better shape than they thought they’d be. The guys are leaving the dock now. We’ll see what happens out on the water soon.