Day 1 dwindles down

We’re well into the fourth quarter of fishing for Day 1 of the Whataburger Bassmaster Elite on Lay Lake. Looking at the top of the leaderboard, not much has changed of late. Brandon Palaniuk hasn’t boated a bass that matters since 11:55. It’s been even longer for Bryan New sitting in second, who hasn’t culled in over 2 and ½ hours. And Bernie Schultz has what he’s had since 8:18, yet still sits in third. 

Undoubtedly, those anglers could have probably caught a few more small fish if they had tried, but are likely trying to save some fish as tough as the bite it. But they’re certainly doing something to try to catch another big fish, and it’s very apparent that has been hard to do lately for this trio. The 50 cut to fish on Day 3 sits at 9 pounds currently. It’s likely that 21 pounds for two days will give an angler a good chance to fish Sunday. That will become more clear after weigh-in today.