Cutline chaos

The Top 50 will continue on after today. David Mullins was the first man above the cutline yesterday with 19 pounds, 2 ounces, an ounce ahead of the first man out, Larry Nixon. Half the field (literally 51 on the 102 anglers that went out on the water yesterday), were involved in a tie at the end of the Day 1 weigh-in. Ounces, or perhaps even tiebreakers will amount to tens of thousands of dollars today.

Before the start of this event, the optimistic anglers and commentators were airing towards 18 pounds a day making it to Day 3. Now, it’s probable the 19-2 cut-weight from Day 1 may actually even go up on Day 2. They bit and bit good this morning.

To give it a guess, 38-10 will sit in 50th at the end of today. This means someone that will have averaged 19-plus pounds of smallmouth (nearly a 4-pound average) over two days will make the long ride home with a serious case of bass thumb and barely enough money after expenses to buy a bandaid. . And, hopefully, a pat on the back. Wow.