Crews on a tear

John Crews is making the most of the early bite on Lake Okeechobee. He’s put an estimated 17-11 in the boat already to jump from 73rd place to 5th. Obviously Crews will shuffle down the leaderboard a bit as the day goes on and those in front of him start to put limits together. 

But Crews has put himself in fairly good shape to make a run at the 50 cut to fish tomorrow. He had 12- 6 on day one and the cutline was 14-15. 

The way the fish are biting on Okeechobee paired with the perfect conditions means doubling that day one cut weight is probably a fair estimate to gauge what it will take to move on to day three. That puts it at 29-14. By these guestimates, Crews has three ounces more than he needs right now with 30-1. And a couple under three that he can still cull.