Cox offering awesome insight

John Cox is no doubt one of the best sight fishermen on the planet, and he’s spewing pure gold in this regard on Bassmaster LIVE Mix right now. He was just chatting things over with two other Elite anglers that he’s sharing his starting spot with. It was all happening so fast that direct quotes weren’t possible, but the gist of what he was saying. 

An 8- pounder that Cox had found on bed was not there this morning. As he was trolling out of the area, he offered up his guestimate as to why she had moved on. When he came in yesterday and found her on the last day of practice, she was rolling, which is what a female bass does to help push her eggs out. Then when he came back by a few minutes later she was locked on, meaning she was sitting directly on the bed and not moving. This is the easiest time to catch a bedding bass because they become very protective of their eggs. But when the anglers arrived this morning, the fish was gone. 

Cox was likely frustrated, though you couldn’t tell due to his happy-go-lucky demeanor that we all love and even envy at times. He was not surprised the fish was gone. Stating that colder nights can sometimes actually help draw out the spawning process, and keep bass on the bed a little longer. But with warm nights like last night, they’ll “dump them and go,” Cox said. 

If you’re not watching LIVE, tune in. It’s very informative and equally entertaining.