Cook culling, helping a brother out

Drew Cook

“What’s your smallest one Wes,” Drew Cook asked fellow competitor Wes Logan as Cook boated another near 4-pound bass off bed to cull up to 19-2.

“One eighty,” said Logan.

“There’s one right here in front of my boat that I’ll leave for you.”

“How big is it?”

“It’s bigger than 1.80.”

Cook won here last season, and he has culled his way up to 4th unofficially with a little over an hour until the start of weigh-in.

Cook has been targeting very obvious beds and has little hope of saving any of these fish for tomorrow, believing another angler will easily locate these glowing white spots. Cook went ahead and removed all doubt, offering this bass to his fellow competitor. A gentlemanly gesture, one that he no doubt hopes will come back to help him later and not hurt him.