Big bites starting to pour in

Chris Zaldain just boated two 5-pounders, to go with a pair of 5-pounders he already had in the well. He’s currently in 5th.

Drew Benton also put a 5-0 in the boat a few minutes ago to move into 12th.

Greg Hackney just boated “a freakin’ biggun” in his words. To go with four other freakin’ bigguns he’s already got in the livewell, though BassTrakk shows him having four 4-0s in the boat. This one just culled a 3-10 which was “noticeably smaller” than the other four fish in Hackney’s bag. Everyone including himself knows he’s way off on the estimated weights of his other four fish. “I had 4-pounds more than I thought I had on Day 1. We’ll figure it out later.”

The big bites are starting to pour into the boat. Going to be a fun couple hours as Day 3 winds down.