AOY update: Palaniuk with two, no news on Cox and Mullins

Brandon Palaniuk has two small keepers for around 3- pounds. As frustrating as this must be for him, he’s actually close to the cutline according to BassTrakk.

Though he doesn’t have a marshal today, his cameraman Kyle Vandever has been updating us. Adding 3-pounds to his Day 1 weight of 11-15 would put him in 49th unofficially.

Granted, several other anglers have not reported weights today either, including David Mullins and John Cox. So he’s likely further down the leaderboard than that. But even still, one or two late day bites could have Palaniuk fishing again tomorrow.

And remember he caught his fourth fish yesterday with less than 10 minutes remaining. So there’s still hope for BP, as he starts to hopscotch his way in now.