A close call for Hanselman

During the morning run, Ray Hanselman Jr had a close call. Seminole can be very hard to navigate, with standing timber abounding in areas and small channels and boat lanes wiggling their way through the lake. It’s safe, but anglers have to be careful. 

No doubt Hanselman was on high alert during this morning’s initial run, but something happened and his boat would up on the bank. 

Steve Bowman is on the water and relayed this message, “I was racing to get there. But anglers stopped and helped him get off the bank and he’s now on his way. No worse for wear.” 

It looks like John Cox, Stetson Blaylock, Brandon Lester, Jacob Foutz, and a few others were the first responders that halted the start of their tournament to spring into action and help their fellow angler in need.

These are the most competitive anglers in the world, and they want nothing more than to kick the teeth down the throats of each other, figuratively speaking, when out on the water. But like actual siblings, make no mistake, these guys are brothers who will do all they can to help one another when the need arises. It’s a unique dichotomy lost in most sports. Alive and well though amongst the Elite anglers, and being illustrated early this morning on Lake Seminole.