New nationwide program promotes inspection and decontamination services

The Expect to Inspect program is live, promoting watercraft inspection and decontamination services to traveling boaters nationwide. This is a new program designed by Wildlife Forever.

From an interactive map of inspection and decontamination stations to a one-stop-shop for interstate laws and regulations on AIS, this resource is a key hub for traveling boaters looking for how to stay compliant. Key updates are shared below.

  • The development of Expect to Inspect was primarily funded by a Quagga and Zebra mussel Action Plan (QZAP) grant. With that funding nearly spent down, the opportunity comes to continue the marketing and promotion of the program. Outreach kits containing rack cards, posters and decals are available to order order here. These materials are free to anyone active in outreach.
  • Please take the time to fill out the State AIS Inspection Surveyto provide a baseline indicator before Expect to Inspect is promoted in full. Multiple managers from the same state may complete the survey, and the results will be averaged. If you are unable to complete the survey, please forward on to someone who may.
  • Finally, you may have seen that a digital marketing campaign was recently launched in Colorado. Wildlife Forever is looking for additional partners interested in running similar campaigns in your area.

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